* Edward S.               Photography *

From Western New York


Your location to find the most original prints of an up and coming future artist


**Featured artist(s):



When possible, I would like to recommend that the viewers of my photos try to imagine the elements that surround me while taking my photos: The smell in the air, the sounds of the forest, the chill of the day, or the warming sensation of the sun on your back. Always remember that these photos were taken for pure visual enjoyment. Many may move you and few will seem average, but in one way or another they all will make a difference in someone, someday...

Added to the collection of my photos I will be trying to recruit other artists from other media types to join in my attempt of a complete and inspiring visual experience! If you like what you see and want more, or have any suggestions on how to improve the experience, feedback is always welcome at:


I would like the chance to mention a well known region of New York that has had it's share of hard times. Western New York has been considered one of the best tourist areas in the Northeast. With parks, trails, fine dining, wineries, national attractions, waterfalls, amusement parks, balloon festivals, and hundreds of other attractions, It's hard to believe anyone would give up a chance of visiting this region at least once. 95% of the photographs you find on this site were taken in this region, and still I have yet to scratch the surface of its beauty. Walk through any small town of the region and ask a local to point out any point of interest. I am sure you would be surprised at what you will find that is not in your tourist guide. Please Check out:



You are probably asking yourself:

 "Who is Edward?"

Well the answer is: I am the new guy trying to make it into the world of photography with your help. Yes, it is possible that one day I may make it big, and will be able to sell my photos to anyone I chose. But for now I am stuck in Western New York without the recourses to try any other avenue of letting the world know about my photos.

     Please, take your time and visit the photos on my site, and maybe you will like one enough to help support my efforts. I am offering my photos guaranteed to your satisfaction. They can be untouched or manipulated in any means possible for you to enjoy them. That is to say, I can personalize each photo to create a one of a kind piece for you! If for any reason you are not satisfied with the photo I will do whatever I can to make you as a happy as possible. Without the good experiences and memories of people like yourself, there would be no artists left in the world for people to enjoy.

While visiting this site keep in mind that it will never be complete, for the mere fact that I will always be taking pictures, honing my skills, and will always be looking for ways to improve on the way I bring my photos to you, along with any other artist I am privileged to showcase on my site...

***All of the pictures placed on this site are the sole property of the photographer or artist that created the piece. Any un-authorized sale, distribution or copy write infringement of pieces herein will be dealt with as a criminal matter. The pieces on this site are displayed as examples of what to expect of finished product, and should not be displayed in any other format. If/When a piece is purchased, that one piece becomes the sole property of the purchaser and shall not be reproduced or copied by the purchaser for later sale or publication.